Whatever perception certain circles in Pakistan might have about Muslim countries in its west, on the basis of religion, sect or language, it is a reality that relations between countries are founded on their interests and not on the uniformity or difference of religion, culture and language. Close ties between countries are established with their radically varied mannerism but on commonality of interests. Keep in view, close relationship between America and Europe after World War II in this context. Countries with one religion, one language and having almost the same cultural traditions might become adversaries of each other if there exists a conflict of interest between them. Disputes between Kuwait and Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in the recent past and now between Syria and its Arabic speaking neighboring countries are the glaring examples in question.
Boundary of Pakistan is common with four countries namely India, China Afghanistan and Iran. National languages of all these four countries are distinct from one another. China and Iran have extremely close relations with Pakistan. Iran took lead in recognizing Pakistan after it came into being. Iran backed Pakistan in 1965 war and extended its full support to us. Peoples Republic of China (P.R.C) was created in 1948. Pakistan acknowledged Chinese government and formed strong mutual ties with it. Linguistic and culture division between China and Pakistan is too palpable. Comity of nations had been reluctant to recognize China and to establish political and economic ties with Chairman Mao Tse Tung and Prime Minister Zhou Enlai under persistent influence of United States of America. In the circumstances Pakistan played crucial role in shaping up relations between China and Unites States.
English is the official language of both Pakistan and India. Urdu, Punjabi and Sindhi are also spoken in these two countries. A few cultural similarities may also be identified between them. Despite all that, the history of connection between these countries, is packed with traumatic events and India's attempts to harm Pakistan. Founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah desired to have same type of relations between Pakistan and India being two sovereign states of the sub¬continent as between Canada and U.S. in the continent of North America. But due to ever growing influence of extremist Rashtariya Swayamsevak Sangh (R.S.S). Over niggard leaders of Congress, sincere aspiration of the founders of Pakistan remained unfulfilled. On the contrary, Indian rulers adopted a policy of persistent enmity with Pakistan later on. If Indian junta would have responded positively on the initiative of the creators of Pakistan, this region would have avoided many conflicts and wars to live like peaceful neighbors. Main cause of India's negative attitude with Pakistan, was denial of Indian leadership to willingly accept the very existence of Pakistan.
Pakistan encountered certain difficulties with its northwestern neighbor Afghanistan. The major reason for these difficulties was unnecessary pressure on the royalty of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. Under the tyranny of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan also opposed Pakistan at United Nations. Monarchy in Afghanistan vanished in 1973 but dominance of Soviet Union continued over Afghanistan. Non-royal rulers of Afghanistan kept on forming their internal and external policies under the influence of Soviet Union. Soviet Union intended to use Afghanistan for excess to the waters of Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea and to have its influence over oil producing areas of Iran beside other objectives. Off course, Pakistan had to face some afflictions because of few anti Pakistan policies but on the other hand Afghanistan also could not take any benefit from his adverse policies. Contrarily, Afghanistan is left behind in economy, education, social development and in many other fields.
Educated and conscious communicates of Afghanistan must now take stock of what it has achieved from supporting Soviet policy during the cold war. Whether its America or Soviet Union, all super powers have their own great games to play. Economically and militarily frail and small countries are used by these superpowers whenever need arises in the course of their great game. To consider oneself indispensable for ever and taking the leaning of super powers out of necessity as sincere and self-less, is a misunderstanding on part of small and weak nations. On many junctures in U.S - Pakistan relations, Americans threw the betel box of the expectations of Pakistan on the ground. During confrontation with Soviet Union or after September 2001, the country who declared Pakistan its close ally, did not take time to develop its friendly ties with India, leaving aside our important issues.
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran have experienced changing behavior of Russia and United States in the past. They are neighboring countries and friendly relations between them are in collective interest of all three countries of their region. Policy makers and political hierarchy of these countries should not look towards US and Soviet Union anymore. These three neighboring countries may consider ways and means for mutual cooperation and collaboration instead of the developing their own people. Afghanistan will benefit the most from cooperation between these countries as it is devastated by a war which prolonged for decades. This collaboration will open new avenues of growth in the economy of Central Asian states and Pakistan will be able to get cheep energy to solve its energy crisis as a result of working together with these nations harmoniously. Iran will also make use of these avenues for the fastest delivery of its exports to the eastern neighbors to boost its economy further.
These three badly affected countries by the cold war, namely Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran are expected to embark upon their agenda of mutual cooperation for peace and development as early as possible.
- Translation of Column پاکستان ایران افغانستان اشتراک برائے امن وترقی by Dr. Waqar Yousaf Azeemi from Daily Express, Tuesday, 25th April, 2017