Message from Hazrat Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Adam Day 2019

مرتبہ پوسٹ دیکھی گئی

Message from 
Hazrat Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Adam Day 2019

بِسْمِ اللّـٰهِ الرَّحْـمٰنِ الرَّحِيْـمِ O
قُلْ هُوَ اللّـٰهُ اَحَدٌ O
اَللَّـهُ الصَّمَدُ O
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْ O
وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّـهٝ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌO

Honorable dignitaries, respected elders, dear friends and everyone present here
Assalamu alaikum - Peace and blessings be upon you all.
It will probably sound outlandish in this scientifically advanced age to bring this up but, if
we are not historically aware of something or it does not have a history, its existence is just
an illusion. Right now, what I am referring to, are all existent beings in the heavens and
earth which [partly] includes animals, plants, minerals and all that is there which we use in
terms of a resource for life.
What is life?
The process of life is such that, when man is an infant who possesses intelligence but is
unable to express, capable of movement but unable to walk; He feels hungry and thirsty
[and has other urges too] but how he expresses these urges only his mother understands.
His entire life remains bound to his mother’s language. If he is not introduced to water, he
will never be in the knowing of what water is. Likewise, if the urges of life are non-existent,
then both life and death will become questionable.
Life and death, in easy terms, can be described as the states of ‘motion’ and
‘motionlessness’, respectively. [In the later state,] there’s total silence, with no movement
of any sort and no way to express feelings. From the baby’s wails, we are unable to gauge
if he needs water or food or has toothache or suffers pain anywhere else in the body. It is
the mother-child relationship through which she can assess whether it is a toothache,
tummy ache or any other problem that is bothering the child. Cures exist for such problems
and an appropriate remedy is applied which ends the child’s suffering.
A child can take several months before he is able to see with clarity and up to a year
before he can speak his first words. Initially, he remains unaware of his mother tongue or
any other language. Gradually, he tries to familiarize himself with the environment, in which
he lives, and begins to accept it without understanding it. This acceptance makes it an
integral part of his life, which we know as speaking, thinking and being added to our
memory record.
When an infant who is one day old, becomes five days old, we remain unaware of where
the five days disappeared. As he ages and let us say he turned five years old, we have no
way of asserting with absolute surety that he is indeed that old [by merely looking at him].
These days and years whether two days or eighty years are moving on a ‘belt’; they
appear therefrom and disappear thereto; this ‘belt’ is running through every being.
[How is this happening?] Initially, we refer to it as Vaahima (pre-thought), then Khayaal
(thought), after which is Tasawwur (depth in thought – concept) and finally Muzaahira
(physical manifestation). Then come feelings, which is through the sense of touch. By the
grace of God, we have currents running in our bodies that enable us to recognize what
we touch as metal, wood, soil [or something else]. All these are essential components of
life – an equation of life – without which we are unable to define life in any way. When one
formulates the definition of life, all these elements are discussed. And then comes a stage
where we observe that all these above functionalities become redundant. What do we
witness at this stage? It is a [body just like a motionless] mere image, with eyes, ears, brain
and all that we can see in a man, cow, buffalo, tree [and more depending on the case
but nothing functions].

Adam Day 2019 Speech
آدم ڈے 2019 کے لیے حضرت خواجہ شمس الدین عظیمی کا خطاب Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi Speech in #ADAMDAY 10th August 2019
Posted by Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi on Saturday, August 10, 2019

When we talk of the process of hearing, we refer to the sound waves that reach our ears;
we cannot see them but the fluctuations in pressure as they impinge upon our ears and
their contraction and expansion, enable our brain to ascribe meanings. For example, I
cannot speak English, if I go to a place where people speak in English, I will hear their
voices, but words will not take form in my [brain through the] ears. And as long as what the
speaker says does not convert into words [in your mind] you cannot recognize the voice
[i.e. cannot ascribe meanings to it]. As example, a person says ‘water’ and the other says
‘pani’, [it is the same thing yet it will not create the same meanings in the other person’s
mind as] the former does not know what ‘pani’ is and the latter does not know what
‘water’ is. Therefore, a spoken word becomes the means of identification. The mother
introduced the reference as ‘water’ and repeated it a thousand times and it thereby
instilled itself in the child’s mind as ‘water’. The same is true for all languages. Words are
repeated over and over again, for if they are not heard repeatedly, they fail to get
registered with clarity in the mind.
When a writer sets out to write an article, story, narrative or a drama, he has etched out
each character in his mind; he knows how he is going to piece together the patches of
tragedy and comedy. As a result, when the viewers watch or listeners listen, they [become
sad and even] cry during the tragedy scenes and begin to laugh and even convulse with
laughter during the parts of comedy. The question arises what made them laugh or cry?
If the words that were transferred into their minds were not assigned meanings that they
need to cry or laugh at them, they would do neither. The example of English, Urdu, Hindi
or any language for that matter is right before you. I have just given you a preamble that,


what we need to reflect on is the wireless system, which is hidden from our eyes, along with
what it is and how we accept what comes through it.
I am being brief, in our youth, can any of the thoughts that our minds stayed occupied
with mean anything without mentally picturing them? Is it possible for you to laugh, cry
or get bored with something without it creating some meaning in your mind? No, you
cannot. However, if you are able to understand the meanings of what is being said or
conveyed, you will laugh, cry, admire or criticize it.
[Most of the facts about life remain hidden from us as our thinking remains limited to our
physical being only] Let us define man and human [separately]. Both in our society and
the world over, most people think ‘man’ and ‘human’ are synonymous words. When we
analyse man and his life and compare it with that of the animals, all those life urges that
exist in cats and dogs exist in man too, and man cannot live without fulfilling those urges.
Another thing to consider is that we have two levels of consciousness working within us at
all times. One level of consciousness is the process of wave [current] generation from the
powerhouse and the second level is where this current acts as the life force in the body,
whatever its shape and form may be.
What this means is, that everything has two aspects. In one aspect, it is born and lives for
say twenty-five or eighty years and then disappears. We are unable to elucidate this
[progression]. [All we can say is] now he is young, now he is old and now he has turned
eighty.... But this can never satisfy a querying mind. The question arises how did this
progression [from birth] to youth take place? What did actually change? You can tell the
visible changes that took place in the outer aspect - the body – but what about the
mechanism of change? About this, only those who know [the inner aspect] can
A common man has no knowledge about it; all he can say is that he is here because of
his birth. Well, well, well, he was born because he existed somewhere before he birthed;
he must have come from somewhere. He then dies here and moves to some other realm.
What came and what left [is a question, the answer to which] is the knowledge that God
granted only to Adam and Jinn from amongst all his creations. It is based on the principle
that what makes you perish is what gives you life too.
As a matter of truth, we do not find these attributes in man as they do not fall under the
definition of man. [The physical aspect of] man [or the outer shell], according to God is
nothing worthy of mention. It is just dust, dark slime, decaying matter .... [The mechanism
we mentioned earlier,] the system [that brings about the change] is not something to be
understood by man. This is the prerogative of another agency. Man is just a physical body,
what runs this physical body is power and that power within us is Rooh (soul/spirit).

The heavenly books give full details of how to receive the spiritual knowledge. As a last
note, how did we come to know of this knowledge? This knowledge is our heritage; God
taught this knowledge to our father Adam and thus being his progeny, we are heirs to this
knowledge. The Azeemia Spiritual Order organise gatherings of people from all religious
and cultural backgrounds to enlighten them with this knowledge or make them aware of
it. And to present to them the direct source of this knowledge, which God breathed into
Adam. [That is the other, hidden or inner, aspect of our existence – Insaan – our light form
or immortal aspect, which we may refer to as human just to distinguish it from mortal man
or our material aspect.] Insaan is what we need to find. Unless we are aware of this Insaan
- our inner, our soul, our spirit – we will not be entitled to our rightful inheritance. Just with
this in mind, with God’s help and blessings of our elders, we started the Adam Day event
[back in 2003]. That is because Adam and Eve are our common ancestors – our common
base. [We would like to pass on] whatever knowledge we’ve been granted. And to make
distinction between the knowledge granted to Adam [the beneficial knowledge] and
what God disliked, the Satanic [or harmful] knowledge, we ought to learn the beneficial
knowledge – the knowledge that leads to peace, comfort and Paradise.
Adam Day provides an opportunity to become aware of this knowledge. Here we put
before people of all religious and cultural backgrounds that despite our diverse racial
origins we are brothers and sisters. We have one common origin and that is Adam and
Eve. What distinguishes Adam and Eve from the rest of the creation is that they are
vicegerents of God and trustees of the discretionary powers so granted by Him. We being
their children inherit their traits and their attributes, and as such our true inheritance, our
true knowledge can only be attained if we divert our focus from the aspect of ‘man’ in us
to the aspect of ‘Insaan’ in us, that is, from our material aspect to our spiritual aspect.
May God keep all of you happy and make it possible for us to become one true human
community, with God being our One and Only creator and none other than Adam and
Eve being our sole original parents.
Thanks to God it’s a lovely gathering, people have come from different regions to attend
this event
Special thank you to the dignitaries for honoring us with their presence.
May God bestow peace and blessings upon you all.

[Translated From Urdu]

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اپنے پسندیدہ رسالے ماہنامہ روحانی ڈائجسٹ کے مضامین آن لائن پڑھنے کے لیے بذریعہ ای میل یا بذریعہ فیس بُک سبسکرائب کیجیے ہر ماہ روحانی ڈائجسٹ کے نئے مضامین اپنے موبائل فون یا کمپیوٹر پر پڑھیے….

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